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Remove Those Excess Fats With ROM Trimmer

No, I’m not going to talk about getting slim by working out and eating less. This will be all about removing those excess fats on your Nintendo DS Lite ROMs so that you’ve got to save some of your microSD space for more games.

In case you don’t know, Nintendo DS ROMs come in standard file sizes: 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB and 128MB. I don’t know if there’s a 256MB. This is because that is the standard capacity of the NDS cartridge where these files are being copied.

Now, every game has its own file size, which is not exactly the same as the standard. If you have a 64MB ROM, chances are the original game size is less than 64MB but greater than 32MB. Using the ROM Trimmer, you can trim the file and just get the game’s exact file size. A 64MB game could just be a 35MB game. Trimming it will save you 29MB of microSD space, right?

The ROM trimmer is actually recommended by the manufacturer of R4DS themselves. Download it here and start trimming those excess fats!

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Marhgil Macuha

Marhgil Macuha is a Computer Engineering graduate of Batangas State University. He is currently a Senior Solutions Developer at a Canadian IT company.

One Comment:

  1. Napolexander Santiago

    I find this very helpful. My PC hard disk is clogged with about 12gigs of DS ROMs. aye T_T

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