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Call Center Tricks On Building Rapport

In a call center, one way to close a deal and make a sale is to build rapport to a caller when talking to them. When the caller already feels comfortable talking to you, asking him to avail the product you are offering will be easier. Here are two tricks that some call center agents do to build rapport:

1. We have the same birthday trick. Yes, there was this agent in a call center whose way of building rapport is to tell the caller that they have the same birthday after he got the caller’s birthdate. His line is “What a big coincidence sir! We have the same birthday!”

2. Your voice sounds so young trick. People gets flattered if people thinks that they are younger than their age. After getting the age, the call center agent will then say, “Really sir? You’re already 30? I thought I was talking to a teen-ager!”

I’ve heard these techniques from my girlfriend. She’s a call center agent, and she is doing trick number 2. Hehehe. Using that trick, she can make 70% of her caller buy the product their company is offering. Not bad.

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Marhgil Macuha

Marhgil Macuha is a Computer Engineering graduate of Batangas State University. He is currently a Senior Solutions Developer at a Canadian IT company.

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